May, 2011 Archives

Niece and Penguins at Zoo

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Bennington obelisk with false bends

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Bends courtesy of iPhone 4, DoubleTake (excellent panorama stitching software), and my impatience this morning.

If you look closely you’ll see the two bored monument guides sitting on the bench outside the door completely unaware that the obelisk’s about to tumble on to their heads. Scary!

The blue sky too is completely Photoshopped and was added to cheer up people stuck under the never ending overcast skies and rain. Enjoy!

Here’s the incredible history of the Bennington obelisk. Amazing!

Stretching our legs at Hogback Mountain, Vermont

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Spent afternoon driving through mist and fog on winding mountain roads in Vermont. Stopped at the look out at Hogback Mountain to stretch.

Working at Night

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May 18th, 2011 Permalink

So, the city’s been tearing up our road, Walton Street, the last couple of days. Overnight. They’ve been hack hammering and using all sorts of noisy machinery. I think they’re replacing the sewer line.

You have to applaud anyone who can do this kind of heavy construction overnight. If we had had our windows open it’d be pretty unbearable.

At least the weather’s been bad, and it’s been cold and rainy.

Reprise: Levitation Trick from the Bean in Chicago

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We’re reprising a picture we had last year about this time from Chicago. Rahm Emanuel was inaugurated Chicago’s mayor yesterday. Emanuel talked a bit in his speech about the good things of cultural diversity gives us. More than we thought as we listened our (Maine’s) current governor would even dare to think about, if he thinks about things at all. We don’t know if Chicago’s a better place than Maine right now. LePage doesn’t reflect Maine. Chicago’s chief executive’s better than Maine’s, however, at least taken at face value.

St. Joseph’s

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St. Joseph’s

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Casco Bay Ferry Parking Garage

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McLellan-Sweat House, Portland Museum of Art

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